Event Registration

Event Details

Event Name
October 31st, 2024 (Thu.) Takadanobaba
Participating schools
Participating school list

Please, enter participation information

NameRequired First name
Ex.) George

Last name
Ex.) Washington



School name currently attending in JapanRequired

Phone NumberRequired

Location Postal CodeRequired


[[City][District, House Number, Street][Apartment, Building], etc.

Please read and accept our Privacy Policy on collecting and using personal information, and click the "Proceed to confirm input information" button.

■privacy policy
Please check those to privacy policy in here.
License Academy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “our company”) will respect the privacy of users of https://studyinjpn.com (hereinafter “our website”) and will manage personal information security and handle them with the extreme care.

1 Definition of personal information.
The personal informetion as information that can be used to identify each of our website users: name, address, phone number, email address, attending school name and so on. In addition, other information that can be easily collated to identify our website users may be included in our company.

2 Purpose of use a personal information.
Our purpose of use of personal information is listed below. We do not use personal information without agreement of our website users, as is the case that we need those of their parents/guardians instead of users themselves.If our website users want to stop being used their personal information, we will handle properly.
1. To identify our website users and provide service for them.
(2. To disclose personal information to each educational institution for sending brochure to our website users at their request.
3. To disclose personal information to each company for sending living information such as school dormitory, apartment to our website users at their request.
4. To send our publication about career/school information at our website users’ requests.
5. To accept requests for career counseling from our website users and reply to them.
6. To delivary of information for newsletter and about our service etc.
7. To contact our website user for interview and monitoring request for makes our publishing.
8. To contact interview or send a questionnaire for our publishing at our website users’ agreement.
9. To send event information organized by us or by our partner institution, to accept entries to the events, and to contact with attendees of the event.
10. To buy accident insurance for events (such as the ones written in the No.9) instead of attendees.
11. To send our website users gifts that is exchanged with bonus points earned on our website.
12. To reply to inquiries about service of our website.
13. To send information of online events, to manage the attendance, to send the recommendation by us or by our partner institutions, and to send materials for the events.

3 Arbitrariness of provision personal information.
Our company try to collect personal information such as name, address, phone number, email address, attending school name and so on. But please be notified that it is on a voluntary basis, so you may not necessarily provide all the information.
However, if our website users don't provide information that is required of, they may not be able to be offered to our website’s service.
So that the users can easily find which information is necessary to provide, we put“required” mark on the answer field.

4 Providing personal information for third person.
a. Our company don't provide personal information to the third party without agreement of our website users, as is the case that we need those of their parents/guardians instead of users themselves except the cases below.
We do provide personal information under the only condition that we confirm the agreement of the use of personal information and make the use and access of personal information limited.
1. With the purpose of use of personal information (written on this Privacy Policy No.2 1-13)
2. For sending our website users materials of educational institutions or student dormitory company at our website user’s request
3. Under the necessary situation for protecting someone’s life, body or property with the case that is impossible to confirm agreement.
4. Under the necessary situation for improving public health or for protecting children with the case that is impossible to confirm agreement.
5. Under the necessary situation for cooperating with national organization, local government or those who are consigned from public institution with the case that may cause trouble exercising their task by confirming agreement.
6. In case that we consign tasks of managing personal information to our partner institution in whole or in a part for the sake of accomplishing the purpose of use of personal information.
7 In case of business succession, we will provide personal information to the business successor under the condition that the business successor will treat personal information with the original purpose of use.

5 Disclaimer related providing third person.
In these cases listed below, our company disclaim all liability of providing personal information with the third person.
1. In case that our website users disclose their personal information by themselves to someone by using our website function or other ways
2. In case that our website users happen to be identified from their activity log or other users log.
3. In case that our website users provide their personal information by themselves at another website connected with external link of our website.
4. In case that another user happens to get personal information such as login ID or password.

6 Management of personal information at our partner educational institutions/companies at our website user’s agreement.
If our website users agree to share their personal information with our partner educational institutions or companies, they treat the personal information by following their own privacy policy.
Our company strongly ask the institutions/companies to properly manage the user’s personal information with their purpose of use of personal information.

7 Consignment of managing personal information.
Our company may consign whole or a part of tasks of managing personal information to our partner institution.
But our company make a “confidential agreement of managing personal information” with our partner institution so that at any necessary time we can properly monitor whether it completes our task securely.

8 Statistical data processing.
Our company may process personal information into statistical data by making data unable to identify each user.
Please note that we may use the processed statistical data that cannot be able to identify each user with no limit.

9 Requests for "Disclosure" or "Correction" of Retained Personal Data or Records Provided to Third Parties.
With respect to retained personal data or records provided to third parties, we will respond to requests for disclosure, modification(correction, addition, or deletion of content), or suspension of use (suspension or deletion of use, suspension of provision to third parties) from the user himself/herself or his/her representative.
A. Contact information of request,Necessary documents for the personal information request Please call us for any request of personal information. (Please read Article No. 18 for the contact number.) We will ask to prepare for a form according to your request type.
B. Before accepting request, we will proceed identity verification below.
By asking name, address, phone number, email address, attending school name etc.
C. Answering to the request
We answer a request by sending document to the address submitted on a form. If needed to change the way of answer, please let us know while sending request.
D.Non-disclosure reasons.
In the case of (1)-(7) below, we may reject request to disclose personal information. Even when we reject the request, we will tell the result with the reason of rejection.
((1) In case we cannot verify identification information sent by request form with personal information we have
(2) In case we cannot verify parents/guardians of personal information holder
(3) In case there is mistake on the personal information request form
(4) In case the requested personal information is not allowed to disclose.
(5) In case it may be harmful to the life, safety, property, or rights of the personal information holder or the third person.
(6) In case it may be obstacle of our business.
(7) In case it may be illegal

10 Complaints and consultation Counter
Our company responding quikly to personal information related complaints,consultation,other inquiry.
Please tell at phone to related personal information for complaints,consultation. (Please read Article No. 18 for the contact number.)

11 Correctness of personal information.
Our company will endeavor to accurately process the personal information our website user provide.
However our users responsible for the accuracy and up-to-date of the personal information provided.

12 Restriction on obtaining of care personal information and Sensitive personal information.
In principle, our company don't obtaining personal information including the following contents.
(1) thought,principles or religion related matter.
(2) Race,ethnic group,registered locality1(without the location adress relate information),body and mental damage,crime record,other social discrimination matter.
(3) The right to organize workers, collective bargaining and other acts of collective action related matter.
(4) Take part in mass demonstration/ Right of petition to exercise and other politically execise related matter.
(5) Insurance medical or sexual life related matter.
(6) other,personal information that includes descriptions specified by government ordinance as items that require special consideration.

13 Management of personal information.
Our company strive to implement appropriate security measures to prevent the loss of personal information,abuse,save of renovation.The personal information have save the safety environment by democratic user can't access.

14 Confirmation of identity.
Our company in case may be entry to web service or use of swrvice and in case may be open the personal information, rictification,delete,stop to use/ (name,adress,phone number,birth,e-mail,school name,user number,pass word) by confimation your identity.
However we aren't responsible for identifiable information obtained and used by anyone other than the person.

15 Attribute information what doesn't identify an individual/Obtainment and use of action history.
Our company use a Cookie for privacy policy of users,improvement to convenience,advertisement's delivery, obtaining to statistical data.Also our company use technologies such as Cookies and JavaScript to provide attribute information such as age, gender, occupation, and area of residence among the information provided at the time of membership registration. (Limited to those that cannot be specified) and the user's action history (accessed URL, content, reference order,etc) on the site may obtainiment.
However not comtain personal information to Cookie and action history.

16 Change the privacy policy.
Our company usually can change the privacy policy within the provisions in the law.

17 Personal Information protection supervisor.
Responsible person in personal Information consultation desk.
Phone:03-5925-1643 License Academy Co., Ltd
Personal information related enquiry counter.(disclosure,correction,complaints,consultation,etc.)

18 Personal information related enquiry counter with ""Study in Japan""

Personal information consultation Counter international division License Academy Co., Ltd.
Phone:03-5925-1902  reception:10:00-17:00 Monday~Friday(Saturdays, Sundays, holidays excluded)

●Precautions when requesting materials and applying for event participation.
After the request for document and the application for participation in the event arrive at our company,we'll contact the educational institution to which you wish to send the document or the application for participation in the event, and for the document, the each educational institution or the living information provision partner company from will send the documen to user.
Request for bulk document's reqeuest college document by field.
If you apply for a package request, our company will make a selection on behalf of the applicant, contact the relevant educational institution, and the educational institution will send the documents directly to the applicant. You can check the list of educational institutions that are eligible for field selection on this website.
Request to documents that application for participation in the event by anyone other than person/request to documents at fallaciousness.Please never doing.

Our company is subject company by ""Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community""(JIPDEC)"
