Tokyo / University
Bunka Gakuen University

Learn fashion, design, architecture, interior and tourism practically and create future culture.

Faculty of Intercultural Studies Coed/Day time/4years

Aiming to create internationally minded individuals who can contribute to local and international communities with "global" and "communication" as keywords.
Department of Intercultural Studies and Tourism
The program offers five systems of subjects that allow students to flexibly learn and understand the cultures and issues of various countries and regions of the world. Students will hone their language skills, which are the key to cross-cultural understanding, to cultivate a hospitality mindset and high communication skills, and acquire the ability to use these skills practically. Students will also learn about international cultural diversity from a wide range of perspectives and develop the ability to correctly understand the issues facing society. After graduation, students are expected to work in the service and hospitality industry, such as hotels, tourism, and airlines. The program also prepares students for qualifications such as the Comprehensive and Domestic Travel Service Supervisor and Amadeus System Certification, which will enable them to be immediately effective.

Department of International Fashion and Culture Studies
Students learn the basics of fashion knowledge and production techniques, while at the same time polishing their English language skills in order to be active in Japan and abroad. Students learn practical "expressing and communicating" skills, including fashion shows, and improve their communication skills as well as their technical skills through repeated experience. From the third year, students will specialize in the following three courses.
〇Program in Fashion Styling and Fashion Coordination:
Students will acquire the ability to analyze fashion and read trends in order to become stylists and coordinators with a wealth of knowledge and a high level of sensitivity.

〇Program in Fashion Event Production and Fashion Journalism:
Students learn the basics of event planning, staging, and media editing through practice, aiming to become producers and journalists who can be immediately effective in their work.

〇Program in Stage and Film Costume Design:
Students specialize in design and production techniques for film and stage costumes, and study the creation of costumes that maximize the appeal of the production and actors.

Opportunities after Graduation

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